"The phoenix hope, can wing her way through the desert skies, and still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise." Miguel De Cervantes
WARNING: This blog contains lots of spoilers from To Kill A Mocking bird. I suggest you read the book first, then read my opinions of it.

Tuesday 21 May 2013

A story when I disappointed an adult

In Primary School I really liked my year 5/6 teacher and I also helped her out in the mornings, before school when my mum came into work at the school.

One day she was on a training course, so we had a supply teacher. At break time me and a friend of mine found some letters on her desk, so we thought we would be helpful and hand them out, thus saving her a job when she got back. We went round the classrooms handing out the letters, which were for people who had auditioned for a dance show, and told them whether they had got in or not.

The next day when the teacher discovered the letters had been handed out, she was very cross with us. This was because some people had had a 'yes' letter and a 'no' letter because she hadn't decided yet. We were in big trouble and I still remember this now because I was ashamed as I had let her down and disappointed her. This also sticks out because I have a lot of good memories with this teacher as she was one of my favourites.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure she's forgiven you now. Made all the worse because you were trying to be helpful!
