"The phoenix hope, can wing her way through the desert skies, and still defying fortune's spite; revive from ashes and rise." Miguel De Cervantes
WARNING: This blog contains lots of spoilers from To Kill A Mocking bird. I suggest you read the book first, then read my opinions of it.

Saturday 6 October 2012


A golden orb emerges from the depths of the horizon with the promise of eternal hope, after an everlasting night of choking darkness, with only the stars piercing the sky. It is as quiet as a butterfly beating its delicate wings, with only the sounds of far off trees crackling and the gentle waves lapping at the pale cliffs echoing about my ears. The audience of this sensational scene is dormant, unaware of the flawless beauty and infrequent stillness that surrounds them. The melody of a lone bird fills the air, breaking the peace that envelops the world at this time. Soon the business of life will aid this bird in its mission. Soon the tranquility of this silence will cease to exist, defeated by the ignorance of man.